Thank you for your continued support as we start up another year of saving lives in the Beach Park trailer parks. Spay and Stay would like to show our supporters the real numbers that demonstrate the impact that your donations have had on these homeless kittens and cats. It has taken a village to begin to curb this problem and the numbers show that it’s working.
Through November, 98 cats were neutered and vaccinated with 45 adults/adolescent cats returned to the parks and 53 cats/kittens taken into foster care in preparation for adoption. Thanks to your donations and our volunteers’ commitment, far fewer kittens were born and even fewer have been lost to illnesses this year. For more details on Spay and Stay’s Beach Park initiatives, please check out "Over 200 Feral Cats and Kittens Helped by Two Dedicated Women in Beach Park, IL" by Pamela Kramer.